Saturday, February 9, 2008

No ducks and bunnies here, ya'll.

Scammers suck.

Know one? Suspect one? We’ll be digging around from several sources for information on them to put it ALL here for you in it’s entirety. Feel free to email to report a Scammer, suspected or known. Please use this email address as folders are being setup to minimize duplications and let us know quickly of updates pertaining to the same scammers.

  • Include Scammer identity(ies) - legal names, aliasas, addresses, phone numbers, paypal email addresses used.
  • Include your experience with them or a link to an experience being related (publicly).

We suspect that this blog may generate a lot of information in the beginning, so please have patience as we pull things together and collect information. Your submissions and experiences are priceless in protecting others from being scammed!


Cassie said...

This is awesome! Will be adding as a fav! I'll let you know if I find anything!

Miriam said...

Thanks for the blog! If I can help in any way, you know I will!

Anonymous said...

Woot, thanks for this ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Awesome. You are the best. Where's that damn makeout smiley?!

CaveatEmptor said...

There's so much information already out there, I have a LOT to go through for the next week or three.

Tillie'sMom said...

Whoa!! VERY cool!

Nadine said...

'or if we think you are a general asshat who just wants to screw with the site.'

Bahahahahaha!!! I loved you before, I adore you now

Unknown said...

To be fair, and weed out drama whores, I hope you will be contacting the alleged scammers before posting to make sure your not slandering some one without proof. People are quick to label someone a scammer as soon as things aren't perfect and often conflicting personalities make things hard to resolve. There really are scammers out there, no doubt. I just hate to see a WAHM with good intentions, but bad business skills, to be falsely accused of scamming and have her name/character slandered publicly. Also, I think you should check on the legality of posting someones personal info (real name, addy and phone) publicly, I don't think that's legal, and if so, it's not ethical. These moms do have kids and there are sickos on the net that we should not forget about. I am all for helping people avoid true scammers, we just need to be sure they really are a scammer. KWIM?

CaveatEmptor said...

It is perfectly legal to publish information that is in the public domain. Unless it is unlisted, an address or phone number is considered the public domain.

However, unless circumstances arise where we need to be more specific, I'll be doing something akin to:

K. Jones 972-451-XXXX Clearwater, FL,

This should be enough information to assist in those identifying whether a known scammer is using a new name, but not so much identification that it enables direct stalking or even spam lists.

It isn't ethical to be a scammer in the first place, and they risked exposure by doing it and knew they did.

There will be a 3-tier system in place that I will be detailing in a new post shortly.

CaveatEmptor said...

oh, and btw - slander is spoken, libel is printed.

My legal defenses vary between "truth", "fair comment on a matter of public interest", and that many of the people here may be thought of as "public figures" within the diaper community.

No feedback would exist *anywhere*, including huge entities such as the BBB, Ebay, etc if defamation was truly such a worry, or it would be worthless because no one would use it for fear of being sued.