Monday, February 11, 2008

How this Works

I simmer in the irony that I'm ripping off Homeland Security with this color coding system - however, I guess it's needed.

With no further ado, I present to you the Scammer Warning Levels!

Red Alert - multiple victims scammed completely out of products on a mass level. AKA: The Big Bads.
Orange Alert - more than one victim scammed including by reception of totally unusable products or incomplete orders. AKA: The Sucktastic
Yellow Alert - pattern of neutral and negative feedbacks but as of yet no nondelivery of products. AKA: The Asshats.

The Watchlist will also be implemented.

To be placed on the watchlist, information must be scanned or received that implies something is stinky in Diaperworld. A link or summation will be given regarding the person or WAHM; I suggest you read it thoroughly and make your own decisions regarding the person. It is not a condemnation and it does not carry the label of scammer. It is only information presented for YOU, the reader and/or potential buyer, to make your own decision.

DiaperScammers itself, and I the poster, am not responsible for accuracy. I am not responsible for what others' post or report. I am ONLY consolidating other public information. Under VERY RARE circumstances where a WAHM or individual is being stalked or harassed with false feedback reports, DiaperScammers will report this as well with links to information.

Do not underestimate how inbred the clothdiapering community is and who-knows-who. Word gets around, and eventually the dots are connected. This blog/site is here to assist in the SPEED of the connecting of those dots.

Regarding anonymous submissions - these are accepted for a variety of reasons including assisting with IP matching, pp address matching, legal name matching, etc. and by those fearing retaliation. If single reports are received, I will keep a private log. If multiple reports regarding the same WAHM/individual are received, the information will be presented on the Watchlist. No person or WAHM can be granted anything above Watchlist status unless someone publically posts what has allegedly occured.

You may either email me and I will add the information to your section, or you may post a response of your own directly to the section. I do not control who is or is not allowed to post. If the feedback is false or a pattern of harassment, actions will be taken to note this and/or status may be downgraded temporarily or permanently. The option of removal from the site is NOT available; as our aim is information, this may help with buyers who have only seen the harassment at other sites where you could NOT defend yourself. As complete a picture as is reasonably possible will be presented.

Just in case any asshats want to pull the "lawyer" card - if you have legal representation and believe you have a case, I'm sure you can see to it that I am served with a Cease and Desist order, at which point my lawyer can assist in my response and/or my laughing at you. It is not illegal to link or copy information found in the public domain. The public domain encompasses a lot of juicy information and asshattery.

For more information regarding why public information like address, phone numbers, license numbers (not Driver's ID; think pocket license in these circumstances) and feedback can be published, you need look no further then your own local Better Business Bureau.

Thank you.

9 comments: said...

Will you be posting your information so that the "Cease and Desist" letters can be sent to the proper place?

It wouldn't be really fair for you not to.

Also, can you define "scammer" as it will be used here? Scammer as in "she didn't send me exactly what I thought I wanted and I want more and she won't send it" or scammer as in "they took my money and ran and I've not seen hide nor hair of them since"?

CaveatEmptor said...

I'm sure if a lawyer needs to reach me that they can figure out how to contact me. Last I checked, C&D can be sent via email and my email address is listed publically on this blog. said...

Thank you for the answer to the first question. Can you please answer the second?

I've seen the additions to the list and am curious which of the two they are.

CaveatEmptor said...

Frankly, I'd think it would be obvious.

Scam: To cheat or defraud.

Any decision made to put a person on the list is on a case by case examination of ALL available info. It's impossible to answer your question as written because of the lack of information.

Have you read the additions posted today to get a better understanding of where the lines were drawn on each group?

CaveatEmptor said...

Note - it says you saw them, not that you read what they were linked to. said...

I have taken the time to examine the links. The problem I see is that each forum/board has thier own rules and such. I was only wondering how this particular blog would sectionalize.

I understand now that it will be case by case and also see that you will allow the accused to make a defense. I applaud you for that, so many of the forums/boards say they allow it only for the defense or response to be deleted or not posted at all.

CaveatEmptor said...

Right, I wasn't going by each board's rules (Heh, if I did that, I couldn't have the blog since DS doesn't allow "outing"! LOL).

I don't want to be (and don't have time for) feedback policing from people complaining about 2 week long shipping, odors, cat hairs etc. That's not a good transaction, but it's not a true scammer either. Shit happens, and if you can wash the diaper and everything is kosher - I ain't reporting it here.

This is mainly in response to people who've been fleeced for money, one way or another.

I hesitate to have a hard and fast rule on saying X won't be listed - that's asking for trouble later, kwim? I hope this blog/site can help people, and evolve over time to be as easy to use as possible and clearly defined.

I have no problem with the accused responding. I have to admit after the Angie thread today, there will be SOME limit to it so we don't have 7 pages of rambling responses and excuses with never a clear answer. Some people are masters of obfuscation and I don't want that here.

But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. said...

Totally OT of course:


I love that word, btw. So rarely does one get the chance to use such language in everyday conversation. I don't think it would be clearly understood by my husband let alone my children.

CaveatEmptor said...

I played way too much WW:Vampire. LOL