Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Coming Soon to a blog near you...

the sordid tale of Samantha of Diapertraders.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Status Update

This blog isn't about me, so I'm not giving lots of detail. I have lots of offline things going on that are preventing me from updating or continuing the site at the moment.

I will have things going as soon as I can. Rest assured I am getting your emails and working on things as time allows, it is just REALLY slow right now.

teababy was removed from the Orange Level list as I have confirmed she made good on her transactions and had personal issues going on. She was also quite nice in her emails to me and I had one of her customers email me as well to confirm that the transaction worked out. Yay for happy endings!

And my apologies for ta
king so long in the removal. Goes to show we need to all remember that sometimes things come up, but it was never my intention to leave someone on the list far beyond everything resolving. I am truly sorry for that.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please note

Read ALL usernames or HC names carefully. One person's name may be similar to another's, or a "Kim" username on one site may not be the same "Kim" username on another site.

Pertinent example: 4littlemonkeys HyenaCart is NOT the scammer 5littlemonkeys username on DS.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Updates will resume this week

DH is home, everything is fine. We're just really busy and I haven't had a lot of time to post.

Coming up are a few more Alerts and the HC WAHM/carts lists.

Fair warning, I can report the worst of the worst Red Alert scammers from DS pretty quickly, but it is a huge undertaking to report those with only a few bad/neutral transactions due to the massiveness of Itrader there. If anyone knows a better way to sort through it or to check it for "new feedback since xx/xx/xx" please, please let me know.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Updates are on hold

My DH was admitted to the hospital today with pnuemonia. I will continue updating and posting the lists next week. Thank you for your patience.